EuropeFor projectsGrant

Seed2030 Micro Grants

Seed2030 Micro Grants 2024


The Seed2030 Micro Grants 2024 program, in collaboration with One Young World, aims to support young people in Northern Ireland. It offers £1,000 grants for testing or developing their own business or community projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recipients will attend a 2-day immersive Leadership Development Bootcamp in Belfast and receive mentorship to advance their projects.

  • Application Requirements:
    Applicants must be aged 14 – 25.
    They should have permanent residency in Northern Ireland.
    An idea for a community project, campaign, business, or social enterprise that contributes to one 
    of the 17 SDGs is required.
    Availability to attend the 2-day immersive leadership bootcamp in Belfast on April 3 & 4, 2024 is 
    essential. Travel costs, accommodation, and refreshments will be covered.
  • Benefits:

    • £1,000 grant for each of the 10 participants.
    • Some recipients may have the opportunity to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal in September 2024 and apply for Lead2030.
  • Type:

    • The program provides a research grant specifically covering the cost of purchasing GenScript reagents and services for approved projects.
    • It does not cover other expenses like salaries, travel, or equipment.
  • Award and Location:

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