Seed2030 Micro Grants

Seed2030 Micro Grants 2024


The Seed2030 Micro Grants 2024 program, in collaboration with One Young World, aims to support young people in Northern Ireland. It offers £1,000 grants for testing or developing their own business or community projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recipients will attend a 2-day immersive Leadership Development Bootcamp in Belfast and receive mentorship to advance their projects.

  • Application Requirements:
    Applicants must be aged 14 – 25.
    They should have permanent residency in Northern Ireland.
    An idea for a community project, campaign, business, or social enterprise that contributes to one 
    of the 17 SDGs is required.
    Availability to attend the 2-day immersive leadership bootcamp in Belfast on April 3 & 4, 2024 is 
    essential. Travel costs, accommodation, and refreshments will be covered.
  • Benefits:

    • £1,000 grant for each of the 10 participants.
    • Some recipients may have the opportunity to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal in September 2024 and apply for Lead2030.
  • Type:

    • The program provides a research grant specifically covering the cost of purchasing GenScript reagents and services for approved projects.
    • It does not cover other expenses like salaries, travel, or equipment.
  • Award and Location:

Apply Now

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