Volunteer in Chiang Mai
Volunteer in Chang Mai (Thailand) or Remotely

Volunteers with backgrounds in human rights, women’s health, teaching Chinese, English, and Spanish, fundraising, the culinary arts, hospitality, EMDR, and art therapy are welcome to apply to Daughters Rising. A rolling review process is used to assess applications. Owing to the large number of volunteer applications they receive and the limited number of spots available, they will give priority to the most qualified applicants who satisfy their standards. Applications without all required fields filled out won’t be taken into consideration. (Please indicate whether you prefer to volunteer in person or remotely when applying.)
Host Country:
Northern Thailand
Daughters Rising
On-site volunteering is USD 200 per week per person. This fee covers room and board, insurance, administrative costs, and a donation to Daughters Rising.
- Help provide Daughters Rising with the resources, skills, and additional oversight of programs.
- Work with their multicultural team that comprises members from Greece and other countries worldwide, helping to broaden your network.
- Make a lasting impact on the lives of refugees and migrants through employment training, education, and opportunities for cultural integration.
- Contribute to their efforts in supporting refugees who need a safe haven and respite from war.
- Have the opportunity to support their work by volunteering from the comfort of your home or anywhere you are in the world.