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Ventures Internship

ITT Inc. - Ventures Intern

Are you passionate about innovation and eager to gain experience in the fast-paced world of corporate venturing? ITT Inc. is seeking a Ventures Intern to join their team in Stamford, Connecticut. In this role, you’ll play a vital role in supporting the analysis and identification of promising investment opportunities, particularly those focused on AI and Software as a Service (SaaS).


  • Conduct research and analysis to support the development of monetization models for ITT’s venture projects.
  • Design and develop standardized dashboards to track the financial performance and collaboration success of ITT Ventures’ portfolio companies.
  • Assist with due diligence for new startup ventures and investment targets, including market research, competitive analysis, and business model assessment.
  • Participate in technology/market due diligence discussions with external subject matter experts.
  • Provide administrative support and assist with ad-hoc projects as needed by the Ventures team.


  • Ideal candidates are currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in business administration, finance, engineering, or a related field.
  • Strong analytical and research skills with the ability to compile and analyze data from various sources.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • A passion for innovation and a strong interest in the world of venture capital.


Stamford, Connecticut

Deadline: Unspecified

Internships offer a bunch of advantages for students looking to jumpstart their careers. Here are some of the key benefits:
  • Gain Real-World Experience: Internships provide hands-on experience in your field of interest. This is crucial for applying classroom knowledge to real-world situations and developing practical skills employers seek.

  • Explore Career Paths: Internships allow you to test the waters in a particular career path. You can see if you enjoy the daily tasks and work environment before fully committing to a specific field.

  • Develop Valuable Skills: Internships provide opportunities to learn new skills or refine existing ones. This can include technical skills related to your field, but also soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

  • Build Your Network: Internships connect you with professionals in your field. You can build relationships with mentors, supervisors, and colleagues who can provide guidance, recommendations, and future job opportunities.

  • Boost Your Resume: Having internship experience on your resume makes you a more competitive job candidate. It demonstrates your initiative, interest in the field, and acquired skills.

  • Potentially Land a Job: Sometimes, internships can lead directly to full-time job offers. The company may be impressed with your work and offer you a position after graduation.

  • Increased Confidence: Completing a successful internship can boost your confidence in your abilities. You’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and better understand your strengths and weaknesses in a professional setting.

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