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The University of Tokyo Fellowship

Supporting Outstanding International Students


Established in 2004, this research grant-in-aid aims to assist self-financed international students pursuing degrees at the University of Tokyo. Recipients receive a monthly research grant of 200,000 yen until the end of their standard program duration (up to one year for research students). In 2022, 32 students were newly selected as recipients, and a total of 127 students received research grant-in-aid. Since its inception, 836 students have been awarded this fellowship.

Application Requirements:

Applicants should apply through their affiliated Graduate School. Contact the relevant section (international office) for application details.

Fellowship Benefits:

Recipients receive a monthly research grant-in-aid of 200,000 yen.

Fellowship Type:

Research grant-in-aid for outstanding international students.

Award Fellowships:

In 2022, 32 students were selected.


Application guidelines for the April 2023 cycle are available.

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