Application requirementsFellowship benefitsFellowships

The OMLA Fellowship Program

The OMLA Fellowship Program 2024


The OMLA Fellowship Program, initiated by NELIS, aims to train and empower one million Next Generation (NexGen) leaders and social innovators across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and MENA regions by 2030. The program consists of intensive training, leadership challenges, project implementation, and graduation, with a focus on sustainability and positive social change. Graduates become part of the OML Alumni Community, fostering lifelong learning, collaboration, and mentorship. The program offers various benefits, including leadership development, networking opportunities, and enhanced employability.

Requirements and Qualifications:

– Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest and experience in social, environmental, or sustainability-related fields.
– They should be committed to leading and mentoring other youth for positive social change.
– Genuine passion for sustainable and ethical action and community development is essential.
– Applicants must be willing to commit to the entire training program and have reliable internet access.
– Age requirement: 18 to 40 years old at the time of application.
– Open to all African countries.

Date and Location:

The OMLA Fellowship Program operates in four regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America, and MENA) since 2022. The specific dates and locations may vary depending on the region and cohort.

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