Making a Difference: Success Stories
Success Stories of Social Impact and Philanthropy

Making a Difference: Success Stories of Social Impact and Philanthropy
Social impact and philanthropy are two ways of creating positive change in the world. Social impact refers to the effect that an organization, initiative, or individual has on the social and environmental well-being of a community or society. Philanthropy refers to the act of giving money, time, or other resources to support a cause or a social problem. Together, social impact and philanthropy can make a difference in various areas, such as education, health, environment, human rights, and more. In this blog post, we will share some of the success stories of social impact and philanthropy from different sectors and regions.
15 Success Stories of Audacious Philanthropy for Large-Scale Social Impact¹
This article by The Bridgespan Group showcases 15 examples of philanthropic initiatives that have achieved large-scale and lasting social impact in the past century. These initiatives range from eradicating polio globally to providing free and reduced-price lunches for all needy schoolchildren in the United States. The article identifies five actions that these initiatives have in common, which can serve as a framework for aspiring philanthropists who want to make a difference in the world. These actions are:
– Build a shared understanding of the problem and its ecosystem
– Set “winnable milestones” and hone an emotionally-compelling message
– Design approaches that will work at massive scale
– Drive (rather than assume) demand
– Embrace course correction
The article also highlights the challenges and lessons learned from these initiatives, and the role of luck and timing in their success. The article aims to inspire and inform philanthropists who want to pursue audacious goals and achieve transformative social change.
How Collaborative Philanthropy Makes a Social Impact²
This article by Education explains how collaborative philanthropy, also known as impact philanthropy, works and why it is beneficial for both nonprofits and donors. Collaborative philanthropy is defined as investors and nonprofits working together towards a social cause. The article argues that collaborative philanthropy helps nonprofits by giving them more than just funds or resources, but also valuable knowledge, feedback, and networks. It also helps donors by increasing their employee engagement, morale, and reputation, as well as their social impact and return on investment. The article provides some examples of successful collaborative philanthropy partnerships, such as the partnership between and the Audacious Project, which aims to provide early childhood education to millions of children in low-income communities. The article also offers some tips and best practices for nonprofits and donors who want to engage in collaborative philanthropy and make a social impact.
How Philanthropic Collaborations Succeed, and Why They Fail³
This article by Stanford Social Innovation Review explores the factors that influence the success or failure of philanthropic collaborations, which are defined as formal arrangements among multiple donors to pool and coordinate their resources and activities. The article draws on the findings of a research project that examined 25 cases of philanthropic collaborations in the United States and Europe, and identified four types of collaborations: co-funding, aligned funding, pooled funding, and collaborative platforms. The article argues that philanthropic collaborations can be effective and efficient ways of addressing complex and systemic social problems, but they also face many challenges and risks, such as power dynamics, trust issues, communication gaps, and coordination costs. The article proposes a framework for assessing the value proposition of a collaboration, and suggests some strategies and tools for improving the design and implementation of a collaboration. The article aims to help philanthropists and practitioners who want to collaborate better and achieve greater social impact.
(1) 15 Success Stories of Audacious Philanthropy for Large-Scale Social Impact.
(2) How Collaborative Philanthropy Makes a Social Impact.
(3) How Philanthropic Collaborations Succeed, and Why They Fail.