Hugh W. Welborn Scholarship
Hugh W. Welborn Scholarship in Law at Georgia State University 2024

The Hugh W. Welborn Scholarship in Law is offered by Georgia State University to support students studying part-time at the College of Law. This scholarship is intended for students with high academic standing who exhibit financial need. Unlike other scholarships, GPA criteria do not apply to the scholarship’s granting.
Host Country: The host country for this scholarship is the United States.
University: The scholarship is provided by Georgia State University, located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sponsor: The scholarship is sponsored by Hugh W. Welborn, and it aims to support students pursuing legal education.
Eligible Countries: The scholarship is open to all nationals, regardless of their citizenship.
Degree: The scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate (master’s and doctoral) students specializing in Law.
Deadline: The application deadline for the 2024 Hugh W. Welborn Scholarship is May 1, 2024.