People have not reached to a specific definition for Success. It depends on the situation a person lives. How? Everybody lives in different conditions. Therefore, everybody does not face the same stages to fix them for all people. Actually, nobody has passed by the same conditions and situations. The achieving of the results wanted or hoped for is on general definition that people can accept which describe the whole situation.
On one hand, the steps are still ambiguous. Because the key factors in achieving success are not applied all in a situation, success can be applied by other factors that are have not been mentioned yet. One of the main factors is the relationship between the self-motivation and the person. It is clear that whatever is the effort is, a person can manage that by self-motivation.
On other hand, owning different equipment can help a lot to achieve the aimed goal. For example, some people can start with simple equipment to run their own business. Technical equipment can run your work faster. Advanced devices can help you to be a successful person.
If you compare all factors of success, you will find that there are some people who achieved their success with simple tools and not fixed factors. Therefore, not all can present a definition for success. You can define success according to your effort and factors you applied and be one of successful people. You can manage that and end up with a new definition and new success of you own.
All in all, you can search for the definition of success to see how many people have tried to define it. You will find that all philosophers who have tried that have reached a point which is success defers from one person to another. Therefore, you will find the all agreed on the meaning of success.