Software Engineering Internship

Software Engineering Internship - Google


Google is dedicated to promoting diversity and increasing the representation of future computer scientists and software developers, particularly among historically underrepresented groups in the field. To bridge the gap between academic study and professional internships, Google has developed an internship program aimed at inspiring and supporting underrepresented students in pursuing careers in technology. We are excited to announce the 2024 STEP internship in China.

This internship program welcomes current Bachelor’s students who are studying Computer Science or a related field. It encompasses three main components: a software project, skills-based training, and professional development. We encourage qualified university students from all backgrounds to apply and are committed to fostering diversity within our company and the broader technology industry. Students who belong to historically underrepresented groups in technology are strongly encouraged to participate.

Google is fundamentally an engineering company. We seek individuals with a diverse range of technical skills who are ready to address some of the most significant technological challenges and have a lasting impact on millions, or even billions, of users. At Google, our engineers drive innovation in search, tackle complex scalability and storage solutions, develop large-scale applications, and create cutting-edge platforms for developers worldwide. Whether it’s Google Ads, Chrome, Android, YouTube, Social, or Local, our engineers continuously push the boundaries of technology, driving transformative advancements that shape the world.

Minimum Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications:


The specific responsibilities assigned will vary depending on the project area.


Beijing, China

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