Senior External Affairs Officer | World Bank

Apply and work as Senior External Affairs Officer at World Bank

World Bank is an global financial institution that is providing financial and technical assistance for developing countries over the world. World Bank is founded in 1944, Its primary goal is for reducing poverty and supporting sustainable development by offering loans / grants / and expertise for projects and programs in areas such as healthcare / education, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. It is Comprising two main institutions ,the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development “IBRD” and the International Development Association “IDA” this global organization is working in collaboration with its member countries for addressing economic challenges and promoting inclusive growth. World Bank also conducts research and analysis for informing policy decisions and facilitating knowledge sharing among nations. World Bank is playing a crucial role in fostering global economic stability and promoting the well being of people in developing nations.

What are the advantages come with being employed at World Bank :

Job Details:

Job Title: Senior External Affairs Officer

Unit: World Bank

Job Place: Singapore

Deadline: 20 January, 2024

Education & Qualifications Requirements:


Work Experiences:


Key Responsibilities Career:

“The deadline for opportunity is 20, January, 2024”

“The Official Link for this Opportunity”

Official Website

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