Sales Operations Intern

Summer 2024 | Mohawk Industries


At Mohawk Industries, every intern is assigned a genuine business challenge within their respective group. This presents a valuable opportunity to collaborate with subject matter experts, exchange ideas, and foster optimal learning and development. The goal is to generate real solutions that contribute to the company’s success.

However, Mohawk Industries recognizes that the internship experience goes beyond purely business-related activities. To provide a well-rounded experience, the University Relations team organizes a series of exclusive events throughout the semester. These events include featured executive lunch and learn sessions, where interns have the chance to learn from and engage with senior executives. Plant tours are also arranged, offering interns insights into Mohawk Industries’ operations and processes.

In addition, personal and professional development sessions are conducted to help interns enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas. These sessions cover a range of topics such as communication, leadership, and career development. Furthermore, intern socials are organized to foster a sense of community and provide networking opportunities.

Mohawk Industries aims to create an internship experience that not only allows interns to contribute to real business challenges but also offers a supportive and enriching environment through a variety of events and activities.



Preferred Skills:



The internship will be conducted in Smyrna, Georgia, United States.

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