German and Northern European Fellowship
IJP German-Northern European Journalists' Bursary 2024

The IJP German-Northern European Journalists’ Bursary 2024 is a programme that allows journalists from Germany and the Nordic/Baltic countries to work in a different media outlet in the respective other region. The programme aims to foster professional and personal exchange between journalists and to enhance their understanding of the political, economic and social issues in the host country.
Application requirements:
To apply for the programme, you need to be a journalist from one of the Nordic or Baltic countries or Germany, aged between 18 and 45, and working for any print, radio or TV media. You also need to have some knowledge of German and English. You should send your CV, a letter of recommendation from an editor, four samples of your work, and your preferences of host media and regions in Germany to in one PDF document.
Fellowship benefits:
If you are selected for the programme, you will receive a single payment of 3,800 Euro to help you with your travel, accommodation and personal expenses in Germany. You will also gain personal experience and professional insight of the host country, and meet opinion leaders and decision makers in the media and politics.
Fellowship type:
The programme is a scholarship funded by the Foreign Office of the German Federal Government, the foreign ministries of the Nordic countries and some private sponsors. It is not a paid work placement, and the payment for your work in Germany depends on the individual media outlet.
The programme consists of a three-day introduction conference in Tallinn (March 26 – 28, 2025), a six-week stay at a host media organisation in Germany (April – May 2025), and a final meeting in Berlin (May 21 – 23, 2025). Up to eleven journalists from each region can participate in the programme.