Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund 2024

Turning Innovative Ideas into Reality


The Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) provides microscale grants to support education, research, or scientific activities within university communities. Specifically, it targets students and educators. The 2024 ISF focuses on critical topics such as rainforests, oceans, and climate change, emphasizing their interconnectedness with workers and vulnerable communities. By facilitating a deeper understanding of complex problems, the ISF encourages exploration of solutions and innovations related to human impact on rainforests, oceans, and the climate crisis. The ISF is flexible and responsive, allowing applicants to create activities relevant to local climate and environment issues. Initially launched in Indonesia in 2022, the ISF has expanded its scope to Brazil, Africa, and beyond. The fund aims to raise awareness, inspire positive changes, and foster informed and empathetic communities.

Application Requirements:

Professors, researchers, or student groups guided by responsible professors can apply. The project should not have been applied in Africa, Brazil, or Southeast Asia.


ISF grants range from US$2,000 to US$4,000.


Microscale support for educational and engagement initiatives.

Award and Location:

Southeast Asia.


Applications must be submitted by May 27, 2024.

Feel free to reach out if you need any further information! 😊

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