Project Focal Point “Communication”

International Organization for Migration with IOM

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), founded in 1951, is a leading authority on migration. This intergovernmental organization works to ensure migration is handled in a safe, orderly, and humane way, benefiting both governments and migrants. IOM provides vital services and advice to governments and migrants on a global scale.

What makes IOM a great place to work?

Job Details:

Job Title: Project Focal Point
Unit: IOM
Job Place: Albania
Deadline: 10, January, 2024

We’re looking for a passionate communicator to join our team!

Do you have a knack for transforming complex topics into engaging media content? Are you an expert in public health and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals? If so, we want to hear from you!

Here’s what we’re looking for:




Key Responsibilities:

This is a great opportunity to make a real difference. If you’re a passionate communicator with expertise in public health and the UN’s goals, we encourage you to apply!

“The deadline for opportunity is January 10, 2024”

“The Official Link for this Opportunity”

Official Website

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