Application requirementsFellowship benefitsFellowship typeFellowships

Presidential Management Fellowship

Washington D.C., the PMF program / OPM

Presidential Management Fellows Program:

  • Fellows who meet agency requirements for performance at the next higher level in their career ladder can be non-competitively promoted to the higher grade up to GS-13.
  • PMFs who are in career ladder positions that extend to GS-14 can be promoted above the GS-13 level only after they have converted to the permanent position and have served the required time-in-grade.
  • PMFs in positions that do not exceed GS-13 must compete for promotion in accordance with the agency’s merit staffing program.


  • Training is a fundamental requirement.
  • At least 80 hours of formal interactive training each year are required.
  • PMFs are encouraged to participate in other trainings, which can count towards the 80 hours required.


  • Rotations are an integral part of the PMF experience and essential to the development of well-rounded and versatile employees.
  • Rotational assignments are used to allow fellows to gain a broader perspective of the executive branch of the federal government.
  • Rotations provide an opportunity to gain management experience, work in specific occupational fields, or learn about a program’s function from another perspective.
  • The developmental assignment is an assignment outside the home office lasting at least 4 consecutive months in a functional area related to the fellow’s target position.
  • Developmental assignments must be full-time with management or technical responsibilities consistent with the Individual Learning & Training Program (ILTP).


  • Individuals must have completed a qualifying advanced degree within the two-year period preceding the PMF Program announcement issued by OPM
  • Students currently attending a qualified educational institution are expected to complete the advanced degree by August 31st of the academic year in which the competition is held.

Appointment of Fellows

  • Fellows will be appointed at the GS-9 or GS-11 level depending on the agency’s needs and candidates education and specialized experience as described in OPM’s qualification standards for positions at each grade level.
  • Can have career ladder extending to GS-14
  • PMF positions can be reclassified upwards without any need for competition.

How to apply:

go to 

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