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Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks

Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks: Stories of Bold Actions and Success


Fear is a natural and universal emotion that we all experience from time to time. It can protect us from danger, but it can also hold us back from pursuing our dreams and goals. Taking risks is essential for growth, learning, and success, but it also involves facing our fears and stepping out of our comfort zones. In this blog post, we will share some inspiring stories of people who have overcome their fears and taken bold actions that led to their success, and offer some tips and tricks on how you can do the same.

Quitting a Job and Starting a Business

One of the most common fears that many people have is leaving a stable and secure job to start their own business. However, this is also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling risks that one can take, as it allows one to pursue their passion, creativity, and independence. One example of someone who achieved this goal is Fauzia Burke, the founder and president of FSB Associates, an online publicity and marketing firm¹. Burke had a successful career in publishing, but she decided to quit her job and start her own business in 1995, when the internet was still new and uncertain¹. She faced many challenges and rejections, but she also had a vision and a passion for online marketing¹. She persevered and became one of the pioneers and leaders in her field, helping authors and publishers reach their audiences online¹.

Climbing Mount Everest

Another common fear that many people have is heights, or acrophobia. This fear can limit one’s ability to enjoy and explore the world, especially the natural wonders and landscapes. However, some people choose to overcome this fear and take on the ultimate challenge of climbing the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. One example of someone who achieved this goal is Arunima Sinha, the first female amputee to summit Mount Everest². Sinha was a national-level volleyball player in India, but she lost her left leg in a train accident in 2011². She decided to turn her tragedy into an opportunity, and set her sights on climbing Mount Everest². She trained hard and faced many difficulties, but she also received support and encouragement from her family, friends, and mentors². She reached the top of the world in 2013, making history and inspiring millions².

Speaking Up for a Cause

Another common fear that many people have is public speaking, or glossophobia. This fear can prevent one from expressing their opinions, ideas, and beliefs, especially on important and controversial issues. However, some people choose to overcome this fear and speak up for a cause that they care about, even if it means facing criticism, opposition, or danger. One example of someone who achieved this goal is Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate and a global advocate for girls’ education³. Yousafzai grew up in Pakistan, where the Taliban banned girls from going to school and threatened anyone who defied them³. She started writing a blog under a pseudonym, sharing her experiences and views on education and women’s rights³. She later became more vocal and public, appearing in documentaries and interviews³. She survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban in 2012, and continued her activism and education in the UK³. She became a global icon and a leader of a movement, speaking at the UN and other platforms, and co-founding the Malala Fund, a non-profit organization that supports girls’ education around the world³.

Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks

As you can see from these stories, overcoming fear and taking risks is possible, but not easy. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you along the way:

– Acknowledge and accept your fear:

Fear is normal and natural, and it does not mean that you are weak or cowardly. Instead of denying or avoiding your fear, acknowledge and accept it as a part of you. By doing so, you can reduce its power and influence over you, and focus on the positive aspects of taking risks, such as the potential rewards, opportunities, and growth.

– Challenge and reframe your fear:

Fear is often based on irrational and exaggerated thoughts and beliefs, such as “I will fail”, “I will be rejected”, or “I will be harmed”. These thoughts can create a negative and pessimistic mindset, which can hinder your ability and willingness to take risks. To overcome this, challenge and reframe your fear with more realistic and optimistic thoughts, such as “I can learn from failure”, “I can handle rejection”, or “I can cope with harm”. These thoughts can create a positive and confident mindset, which can enhance your ability and willingness to take risks.

– Take small and gradual steps:

Fear can be overwhelming and paralyzing, especially when you face a big and unfamiliar risk. To overcome this, take small and gradual steps toward your goal, instead of jumping into the deep end. By doing so, you can build your skills, experience, and confidence, and reduce your anxiety and stress. You can also celebrate your progress and achievements, and reward yourself for your efforts.

– Seek support and guidance:

Fear can be isolating and lonely, especially when you feel that you are alone and unsupported in your risk-taking. To overcome this, seek support and guidance from others who can help you, such as your family, friends, mentors, or coaches. By doing so, you can gain motivation, encouragement, and advice, and feel more connected and empowered. You can also learn from others who have taken similar risks and succeeded, and model their strategies and behaviors.


Overcoming fear and taking risks is not impossible, but it requires a lot of courage, determination, and resilience. By following the tips and tricks we have shared, and by learning from the stories of successful people who have overcome their fears and taken bold actions, you can achieve your goals and dreams. Remember, the only thing to fear is fear itself, so go ahead and take that risk!


(1) What I’ve Learned From Living Boldly and Taking Risks | SUCCESS.

(2) Embracing the Challenge and Overcoming Fear – Taking Action.

(3) Overcoming the Fear of Taking a Risk: Just Do It – Tiny Buddha.

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