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Our Generation Speaks

Our Generation Speaks (OGS) Incubator 2024 ($50,000 in funding)


The Our Generation Speaks (OGS) Incubator 2024 is a 3-month fully funded program that helps Palestinian entrepreneurs develop and launch their for-profit or non-profit startups. The program is based at Brandeis University and in partnership with MassChallenge, the world’s largest startup accelerator. The program fosters cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration, and supports innovative solutions to regional and global challenges.

Application Requirements:

    • Applicants must be Palestinians in their 20s and 30s.
    • Applicants must have at least 3 years of meaningful working experience and an undergraduate degree.
    • Applicants must have working knowledge of English and strong communication skills.
    • Applicants must be able to complete the entire program and stay involved with the alumni community.
    • Applicants do not need to have a startup idea or a co-founder.


    • Selected startups will receive an average of $50,000 in pre-seed funding to launch their ventures.
    • Participants will learn from world-class experts, mentors, and faculty, and access the MassChallenge network and resources.
    • Participants will work with diverse and talented peers, and form lasting bonds and partnerships.
    • Participants will contribute to social and economic impact in the region and beyond.


    • The program is a startup incubator that supports the creation and growth of for-profit or non-profit ventures.

Award and Location:

    • The award amount is up to $50,000 per startup.
    • The program location is Brandeis University in Boston, USA.


    • Application Open: October 5-6, 2024
    • Application deadline is December 27, 2024.

For more details, you can visit the official program page.

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