Networking, Communication and Computing Technology
International Conference on Networking, Communication and Computing Technology (ICNCCT)

General Information:
Date: April 5th - 6th, 2024 Location: New York, United States of America Organizer: Iistem Application Deadline: March 14, 2024 Contact Email:
Greetings and welcome to the International Conference on Computing, Networking, and Communication Technology (ICNCCT). The conference is scheduled to take place in New York, USA during April 5–6, 2024. The goal of the conference is to promote innovation and idea sharing in all areas of networking, communication, and computer technology.
This conference offers the many disciplines’ delegates the chance to interact face-to-face, share novel concepts and application experiences, forge business or research partnerships, and locate international collaborators for upcoming projects. We hope that the conference’s findings will significantly advance our understanding of this cutting-edge scientific topic. Prospective writers are cordially invited by the conference organizing committee to submit their original works to ICNCCT.
Two to three experts will peer review each paper. The decision of the organizing committee and the review report will determine whether or not the paper is accepted. Should the paper require revisions, the updated version ought to be resubmitted for evaluation by peers. Each approved paper will be published as part of an ISBN-assigned conference proceeding that will be indexed by academic databases such as Digitalxplore. It will be suggested that a few highly extended papers be published in international journals.