Application requirementsFellowship benefitsFellowship typeFellowships

MS International Federation

MS International Federation McDonald Fellowships 2024

Fellowship Overview:

Early career researchers from low- and middle-income countries can apply for the MS International Federation McDonald Fellowship to conduct multiple sclerosis research abroad.

Application Essentials:

Applicants must hold a postgraduate degree, be citizens of low- or middle-income countries, and focus on multiple sclerosis research.

Fellowship Advantages:

The fellowship provides a two-year grant of approximately £30,000 per year for travel and living expenses, plus an annual £2,000 contribution to the host institution.

Fellowship Category:

This is a research fellowship aimed at advancing knowledge and treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Grant Awards:

The fellowship includes attendance at the ECTRIMS annual congress, funded by the second-year grant to the host institution.

Application Deadline:

Interested candidates must submit their applications by June 30, 2024.

Apply Now

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