Master Thesis Fellowship

CYD Master Thesis Fellowship 2024

The CYD Master Thesis Fellowships provide an excellent opportunity for master-level researchers to engage with cutting-edge issues in cyber-security and data science. These fellowships offer a living allowance and research funds for six months, allowing fellows to complete their Master’s thesis at the CYD Campus under the supervision of a professor at a higher education institution in Switzerland.


The CYD Master Thesis Fellowships are sponsored by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus.

Eligible Nationalities

Applicants of any nationality may apply for the CYD Master Thesis Fellowships. There are no age restrictions.

Host Countries

Fellows conduct their research at the CYD Campus, which is located on the premises of EPFL and ETH Zurich, as well as in its office in Thun, Switzerland.


The program is open to researchers at the master level who are willing to engage with issues cutting across the frontiers of cyber-security and data science.



The CYD Master Thesis Fellowships cover topics related to:


15 August 2024.

Fellowships offer a unique set of benefits compared to scholarships, often focusing on professional development and research opportunities. Here’s a breakdown of the key advantages of participating in a fellowship program:

Financial Support:

Professional Development:

Research and Exploration:

Personal Growth:

Overall, fellowships are valuable investments in your professional and personal development. They provide financial support, practical experience, and networking opportunities that can propel you forward in your chosen career path.

Remember, the specific benefits of a fellowship will vary depending on the program. Be sure to research each fellowship thoroughly to understand its focus, funding structure, and the opportunities it offers.

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