Mason University PhD Fellowship
George Mason University PhD Fellowship 2024-25

George Mason University, a prestigious public research institution in Virginia, is seeking exceptional candidates for its highly competitive PhD Fellowship program for the academic year 2024-2025. This program aims to nurture the next generation of economic scholars who can tackle contemporary policy challenges and contribute to global economic prosperity. Fellows will pursue a doctoral degree in economics at George Mason University, focusing on market process economics, public choice, and institutional analysis. The program, administered by the renowned Mercatus Center, offers full tuition waiver, a stipend of up to $200,000, health insurance, research and travel support, and access to world-class faculty and research facilities. Applicants need to hold a bachelor’s degree in economics or a related field, demonstrate strong academic performance, display a keen interest in pursuing a PhD in economics, have a clear research agenda, and exhibit proficiency in English.
Requirements and Qualifications:
– Bachelor’s degree in economics or a related field from an accredited institution
– Strong academic record with a minimum GPA of 3.5
– Demonstrated interest in pursuing a PhD in economics
– Clear research agenda and potential for success in the PhD program
– Proficiency in English
Virginia, United States