Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants
The Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants Fellowship 2024

Summary: The Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants is a one-year program that provides participants with a contribution towards international travel costs to further enhance a specialty skill or experience which is not normally available in the applicant’s own hospital. It is open to Fellows or Members of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh who are in good standing.
The application deadline is March 19, 2024.
1.Application requirements: To apply, you need to have a training grade appointment or a consultant position, prior approval for the visit from the appropriate training authority, and confirmation/evidence of prospective approval from the GMC if the post is to count towards the award of a CCT. You also need to submit a CV, a personal statement, two work samples, and two references.
2.Fellowship benefits: As a fellow, you will get two weeks of intensive training, as well as ongoing support and guidance from experienced surgeons and experts. You will also join a network of diverse and passionate surgeons who share your vision and values.
3.Fellowship type: The fellowship is a part-time, flexible, and remote program that lasts for one year, from September 2024 to August 2025. You will work on your own projects and assignments, as well as collaborate with other fellows and mentors throughout the program.
4.Award Fellowships: The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh will select 15 fellows for the 2024 cohort, based on the quality and diversity of their applications. The fellowship covers the cost of one economy class return journey up to a value of £1,000.