Margaret L. Andersen Scholarship
Margaret L. Andersen Scholarship Endowment in Sociology at Georgia State University 2024

The Margaret L. Andersen Scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student in the field of Sociology. Created by Margaret Andersen (B.A. Sociology, 1970) and her husband, Richard Rosenfeld, this endowment aims to support students pursuing their academic goals.
Host Country: The host country for this scholarship is the United States.
University: The scholarship is provided by Georgia State University, located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sponsor: The sponsor of this scholarship is Margaret Andersen and Richard Rosenfeld.
Eligible Countries: The scholarship is open to all nationals, regardless of their citizenship.
Degree: The scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate (master’s and doctoral) students specializing in Sociology.
Deadline: The application deadline for the 2024 Margaret L. Andersen Scholarship is April 1, 2024.