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Law and Society Conference

Exploring the Nexus of Law and Society: Understanding Dynamics and Implications


Law and Society is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationship between legal systems and the broader social context in which they operate.

Date: 6th &7th October 2024
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Organizer: Research fora
Application Deadline: 21st September 2024
Contact Email:


ICLS is being organized by Researchfora. The conference aims to provide the platform for Students, Researchers and Academicians to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the field of Law and Society.

International Conference on Law and Society (ICLS 2024) – Hamilton, New Zealand!

Calling all Law and Society Researchers and Practitioners!

Join us for the International Conference on Law and Society (ICLS 2024) in beautiful Hamilton, New Zealand on October 6th-7th, 2024. This conference, organized by Researchfora, is your chance to:

  • Present your research: Share your work with a global audience and gain valuable insights from peers.
  • Network with colleagues: Connect with Law and Society experts from academia and beyond.
  • Publish your work: Get your paper included in the conference proceedings.

Conference Registration:

Once your paper is accepted, complete these four steps to register:

Step 1: Registration Fee

  • At least one author per accepted paper must register.
  • Discounted rates available for students and Researchfora members.
  • Fees include: welcome reception, conference materials, meals, and more (see details below).
  • Additional paper registration available at 50% off.
  • See the conference website for fee details and early bird deadlines.

Step 2: Copyright Transfer

  • Sign and submit the copyright transfer form electronically (PDF/JPG/PNG).

Step 3: Camera-Ready Paper Submission

  • Ensure your paper adheres to formatting guidelines (available online).
  • Submit your paper in Microsoft Word DOC or DOCX format.
  • Researchfora can assist with formatting if needed.

Step 4: Final Registration

  • Email the completed registration form and final paper to [email address removed].

Registration Benefits (per registered author):

  • Welcome reception
  • Printed name badge
  • Conference folder or bag
  • Participation in the technical program
  • Printed participation and presentation certificate
  • Printed conference proceedings
  • Coffee breaks on presentation day
  • Lunch on presentation day
  • Banquet dinner

Additional Fees:

  • Co-author registration (USD 200)
  • Extra conference proceedings copy (USD 30-50)
  • Additional page charges (USD 20-30)
  • Extra person attending (USD 150-200)

Payment Information:

  • Online payment options available: [link to payment page]
  • Euro payments accepted for authors facing USD payment difficulties.

Ready to Participate?

For more information visit the official website

Apply Now

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