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IT Internship at Nexstar Media

IT Internship - Nexstar Media Group, Inc. - New York


Immerse yourself in the fast-paced world of broadcast technology with the IT Intern program at Nexstar Media Group, Inc.! This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience alongside IT professionals supporting Nexstar’s expansive network of television stations. You’ll contribute to various IT functions, from assisting with technical support to exploring innovative solutions that enhance Nexstar’s broadcast operations.


  • Currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in computer science, information technology, or a related field (preferred).
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with a passion for technology.
  • Proficiency in troubleshooting and technical support procedures.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills.
  • A willingness to learn and adapt to a dynamic IT environment.


  • Assist with providing technical support to Nexstar employees across various locations.
  • Participate in IT projects, potentially including hardware or software implementation and configuration.
  • Gain exposure to network administration tasks, observing and assisting with network maintenance (as assigned).
  • Contribute to research on new technologies and solutions that could benefit Nexstar’s IT infrastructure.
  • May assist with documenting IT procedures and troubleshooting guides (as assigned).


  • Gain valuable hands-on experience in the IT field within a leading media company.
  • Develop essential skills in technical support, troubleshooting, and potentially network administration.
  • Learn from experienced IT professionals and gain insights into the complexities of supporting a large broadcast network.
  • Contribute to meaningful projects that improve Nexstar’s efficiency and technological capabilities.
  • Potential for future employment with Nexstar Media Group (based on performance).


NY, New York

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