COVID-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health
International Research Conference on COVID-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health (IRCCIMH)

General Information:
Date: March 19th - 20th, 2024 Location: New York, United States of America Organizer: Research Conferences Application Deadline: March 4, 2024 Contact Email:
The 2024 International Research Conference on Covid-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health (IRCCIMH -2024) will be held in New York, United States of America from 19th – 20th Mar 2024. IRCCIMH-2024!
The outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19 has disrupted the economic, financial, and social systems of most countries and the short and long-term consequences will be difficult to appraise.
Coronavirus disease made everyone stressed. Anxiety, depression, and fear about an outbreak may cause mental health disorders in adults and children. Coping of mental health during COVID-19 is important for the people you care about. Stress during an outbreak involves changes in sleeping habits, and eating patterns changes, worsened mental health conditions, over thinking, difficulty in sleeping and concentrating. Sleep disorders arise in every individual during the outbreak. Mental health of children, teens, adults and older people will vary during this outbreak. Take care of yourself and your community to cope with stress disorder. There are many ways to cope with stress, taking breaks from watching, reading, listening to news about the outbreak. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be disturbing and unnecessary tension will be raised in the minds. Take deep breaths, do yoga and meditation. Talk with people about your feelings and concerns.
Objective Of the Conference:
The purpose of this special issue is to encourage early research into what these consequences might be in both developed and developing countries.
Eligible for the conference:
- Academicians
- Scientists
- Research Scholars
- NGOs’
- Industrialists
- Students
- Environmental Engineering Consultants
- Exhibitors
- Government Officials
- Meteorologists
Conference Focus Area:
- Interact with eminent international speakers
- Participate in stimulating case discussions
- Join special interest groups
- Access new and profound research ideas
- Showcase your latest research through the means of either oral or poster presentation
- Connect with industry experts at the Conference
- Publish your research in relevant Scopus Indexed journals
- Avail opportunities to network and exchange ideas
- Get inspired towards professional studies
- Network with peers
- Share your knowledge to enhance your field
- Gain recognition and become well-known
- Mare your presence felt at any of these epoch defining conferences
- Interacting with industry experts at the GoGreen 2020 meeting