AsiaConferencesForumInternational Conferences

International Conference on Economics

International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business Management ( ICEFBM )

General Information

Date: March 20th - 21st, 2024
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Organizer: Ifearp World
Application Deadline: February 29, 2024
Contact Email: info.ifearpworld@gmail.com1

Welcome to the International Conference on Economics, Finance, and Business Management (ICEFBM). It will be held on  20th Mar-21st Mar 2024 at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Calling all researchers, delegates, and students! iFeARP World – India brings you ICEFBM, a premier international conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology. Come share your experiences, knowledge, and insights on the latest technological advancements.

Network and exchange ideas: Mingle with peers from academia and industry, and learn about cutting-edge developments in your field. ICEFBM provides a vibrant platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Publish your research: Get your work recognized! Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings with an ISBN number. Extended versions can be published in prestigious Scopus/SCI/WoS/UGC Care Listed international journals.

Don’t miss out! Join ICEFBM for an enriching experience that will propel your career and broaden your understanding of the dynamic world of technology.

This conference is associated with UGC Care listed Indexed International journals.


Our main objective is to promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of the common man’s life by improving the theory and practice of various disciplines and sectors of Science and Technology. iFeARP World being one of the largest professional associations in South Asia organizes conferences, workshops, seminars, and/or awareness programs by providing technical and other support to improve research and development activities, publishing high-quality academic international journals as well as up-to-date and current transactions.

Scope and Benefits:

  • All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • All the accepted papers will be published in relevant International Journals.
  • Accepted papers will be provided with a Digital Object Identifier(DOI) number with which they can find their research paper uploaded online in Worldresearchlibrary.
  • Awards will be given for the best research paper as well as the best paper presentation.
  • iFeARP World DELEGATES EXCHANGE PROGRAMME (IDEP): Delegates from iFeARP World conferences with brilliant ideas and research initiatives would be sent to carry out the research and development activities overseas, abroad and international organizations having collaborated with iFeARP World.
  • Delegates with research activities and innovative ideas that may be beneficiary to humanities will be funded through the iFeARP World Research Funding Scheme


Official Website

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