Information Technology Consultant | United Nations

Apply and work as Information Technology Consultant in United Nations Office

United Nations Office is the administrative and operational center of the United Nations “UN”, an international organization founded in 1945. It functions as the primary hub for coordinating and executing the policies, programs, and activities of the UN’s specialized agencies, funds, and programs. Situated in New York City, the UN Headquarters stands as a symbol of worldwide collaboration and diplomacy. It serves as a venue where representatives from member states gather to tackle urgent matters, negotiate agreements, and foster international peace, security, and development. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, supported by a dedicated staff, oversees the day-to-day operations of the UN Office, facilitating cooperation among nations to confront challenges and pursue shared objectives.

What are the advantages that come with being employed at the United Nations Office:

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“The deadline for opportunity is 5, February 2024”

“The Official Link for this Opportunity”

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