IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2024
Mathematicians (up to 4,400 EUR)

The IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2024 is currently accepting applications. This program provides an opportunity for mathematicians based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for one month, with the possibility of longer visits if financial support is provided by the host institution. The program is aimed at postdoctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their careers, offering a research sabbatical to sustain a viable research program alongside teaching and other academic duties. The program is fully funded by the Abel Prize in mathematics and administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union. Up to three grants are available per year, covering travel costs, visa fees, travel insurance, basic living costs, and accommodation expenses. Eligible applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics, be based in a developing country, hold a position in a university or research institution, be in the early stages of their careers, and be under 35 years of age. The application must include a CV, research statement, official invitation, letter of recommendation, PhD certificate, statement of current employment status, budget estimation, and a photograph. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2024, and applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at least two weeks in advance.
1. Fellowship Type: IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2024 for Mathematicians
2. Application Requirements:
– Hold a PhD in Mathematics.
– Based in a developing country and employed at a university or research institution.
– In the early stages of their professional careers (not yet a full professor).
– Under 35 years of age.
3. Fellowship Benefits:
– Grant of up to 4,400 EUR ($5,000) to cover travel costs, visa fees, insurance, living expenses, and accommodation.
4. Award: Opportunity for mathematicians to visit an international research collaborator for one month, with the possibility of longer visits if supported by the host institution.
5. Program Details: Research sabbatical for postdoctoral mathematicians to sustain a research program alongside teaching and other academic duties.
6. Application Deadline: April 30, 2024.
7. Application Process: Submit a completed application including a CV, research statement, official invitation, letter of recommendation, PhD certificate, statement of employment, budget estimation, and a photograph as a single PDF file through the Online Application Form. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the deadline.