Humboldt Research Fellowship
Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral and experienced researchers by Alexander von HUMBOLDT STIFTUNGN

Humboldt Research Fellowship is for foreign researchers who want to do their own research project in Germany with a German host. The fellowship is offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which supports academic excellence and international cooperation.
Here are some details about the fellowship:
Application requirements:
You need a German host who can apply for the grant on your behalf. You also need a PhD or equivalent degree, obtained no more than four years ago. You must be under 35 years old and have no previous research experience in Germany. You must submit an online application form, a research plan, a letter of invitation from the German host, and a letter of recommendation from your home university by the end of February.
Fellowship benefits:
You will receive a monthly fellowship of 2,670 EUR for postdoctoral researchers or 3,150 EUR for experienced researchers. You can stay in Germany for 6 to 24 months for postdocs or 6 to 18 months for experienced researchers. You can split your stay into up to three visits within three years. You will also get individual mentoring, a German language course, and additional support for your family and travel expenses.
Fellowship type:
This is a one-time, non-renewable fellowship. You can only receive it once in your academic career. You must use the fellowship in the same year that you are awarded it.
Award Fellowships:
The Humboldt Foundation awards about 30 fellowships each year, based on the availability of funds and the quality of applications. The selection is based on the academic merit and potential of the applicants, the relevance and feasibility of the research plan, and the commitment and support of the German host. The results are announced in April on the Humboldt Foundation website.