How to Read Faster

How to Read Faster: Unlocking the Power of Speed Reading

Reading is a fundamental skill, but what if you could read faster without sacrificing comprehension? Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply an avid reader, improving your reading speed can save time and enhance your learning experience. Let’s dive into some effective techniques to boost your reading velocity:

Stop the Inner Monologue

  • Subvocalization, also known as the inner monologue, is when you silently pronounce each word in your mind as you read. It slows you down significantly.
  • Train yourself to read without subvocalizing. Focus on visualizing the words rather than saying them internally.


  • Instead of reading word by word, try to group words together. Your brain can process chunks of text more efficiently.
  • Practice reading phrases or entire sentences at once.

Do Not Reread the Words on the Page

  • Trust your initial understanding. Rereading slows you down and doesn’t necessarily improve comprehension.
  • Keep moving forward without looking back.

Use Peripheral Vision

  • Expand your field of vision. Try to capture multiple words at once by scanning horizontally.
  • Peripheral vision helps you take in more content without moving your eyes excessively.

Use a Timer

  • Set a timer for a short reading session (e.g., 5 minutes). Challenge yourself to read as much as possible within that time.
  • Gradually increase the duration to build your reading speed.

Set a Goal

  • Define your purpose for reading. Are you looking for specific information or reading for pleasure?
  • Having a clear goal keeps you focused and prevents unnecessary detours.


  • The more you read, the better you become at it. Practice consistently.
  • Exposure to different types of content improves your overall reading speed.

Use a Marker

  • Place a pen or your finger under the text as you read. It guides your eyes and prevents regression.
  • Keep a steady pace, moving the marker smoothly.

Work on Improving Your Vocabulary

  • A robust vocabulary allows you to recognize words instantly. Learn new words regularly.
  • Familiarity with diverse terms enhances your reading speed.

Skim the Main Points FIRST

  • Before diving into the details, skim headings, subheadings, and the first and last sentences of paragraphs.
  • Understand the structure of the content before delving deeper.

Read with a Purpose

  • Know why you’re reading. Adjust your speed based on the material.
  • Some texts require thorough comprehension, while others need quick scanning.

Final Thoughts

Speed reading isn’t about rushing through books; it’s about optimizing your reading process. Remember, practice and patience are key. Now, let’s explore some reputable sources for further insights:

  1. Lifehack: Discover 11 ways to increase your reading speed.
  2. Iris Reading: Explore techniques and skimming tips for faster reading.
  3. Mental Floss: Learn how to read faster while maintaining comprehension.

Happy reading! 📚✨

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