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How to Handle Criticism

How to Handle Criticism and Feedback

How to Handle Criticism and Feedback


Criticism and feedback are the opinions and comments that others give us about our performance, behavior, or work. They can be positive or negative, constructive or destructive, professional or personal. Criticism and feedback are inevitable and valuable in any personal or professional setting, as they can help us to:

  • Improve our skills and abilities
  • Learn from our mistakes and failures
  • Grow and develop ourselves
  • Achieve our goals and expectations
  • Strengthen our relationships and communication

However, criticism and feedback are not always easy to handle, especially when they are harsh, unfair, or unsolicited. Criticism and feedback can trigger negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, frustration, guilt, and shame. They can also affect our self-image and self-esteem, and make us doubt our abilities and worth. How can we handle criticism and feedback effectively and constructively? In this blog post, we will share some practical tips and strategies on how to handle criticism and feedback, based on web search results and expert advice1234.

Tips and Strategies to Handle Criticism and Feedback

Here are some tips and strategies to help you handle criticism and feedback, whether they are positive or negative, constructive or destructive, professional or personal:

  • Listen and understand: The first step to handle criticism and feedback is to listen and understand what the other person is saying and why they are saying it. You should give them your full attention, and avoid interrupting, arguing, or defending yourself. You should also ask for clarification, examples, or details if the criticism or feedback is vague or unclear. By listening and understanding, you can show respect and appreciation to the other person, and avoid misunderstanding or miscommunication.
  • Evaluate and respond: The second step to handle criticism and feedback is to evaluate and respond to them in a calm and rational way. You should not take the criticism or feedback personally, or let them affect your emotions or self-esteem. Instead, you should consider the source, the intention, the context, and the validity of the criticism or feedback, and decide whether they are helpful or harmful, accurate or inaccurate, relevant or irrelevant. You should also thank the other person for their input, and express your agreement or disagreement in a polite and constructive way. By evaluating and responding, you can demonstrate your professionalism and maturity, and improve your performance and outcomes.
  • Learn and improve: The third step to handle criticism and feedback is to learn and improve from them in a positive and proactive way. You should not ignore or dismiss the criticism or feedback, or dwell on them or feel sorry for yourself. Instead, you should identify the key points, the strengths and weaknesses, and the areas of improvement that the criticism or feedback highlight. You should also seek additional feedback or guidance from others who can help you improve, and set and pursue SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals that align with your feedback. By learning and improving, you can turn the criticism or feedback into an opportunity for growth and development.


Criticism and feedback are the opinions and comments that others give us about our performance, behavior, or work. They are inevitable and valuable in any personal or professional setting, as they can help us to improve our skills and abilities, learn from our mistakes and failures, grow and develop ourselves, achieve our goals and expectations, and strengthen our relationships and communication. However, criticism and feedback are not always easy to handle, especially when they are harsh, unfair, or unsolicited. By following the tips and strategies in this blog post, you can handle criticism and feedback effectively and constructively, and enhance your personal and professional development.


Psychology Today – How to Take Criticism Gracefully : Science of People – How to Handle Criticism Gracefully: 12 Pro Tips : Indeed – How to Handle Criticism at Work: Transforming Feedback into Growth : Interview Questions Guru – How do you handle criticism? 5 Sample Answers

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