Global Peace Summit (GPS) 2024

A Platform for Young Leaders

Global Peace Summit (GPS) 2024: A Platform for Young Leaders

The Global Peace Summit (GPS) 2024 in New York City offers an unparalleled opportunity for students and young professionals to engage in critical discussions on global challenges. Hosted by Global Peace Chain, this fully and partially funded summit brings together a diverse group of participants to explore solutions to complex issues such as the Middle East conflict, climate change, and gender equality.

Summit Highlights:

Key Themes:


How to Apply:

  1. Complete the online application form.
  2. Submit a compelling biography highlighting your involvement in social and community activities.
  3. Clearly articulate your interest in the summit and potential contributions.
  4. Pay a $30 application fee.
  5. Submit required documents (national ID, passport, profile picture).

Deadline: July 30, 2024

For more information and to apply, visit the Global Peace Chain website.

By participating in the Global Peace Summit, you can contribute to building a more peaceful and sustainable world.

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Global Peace Summit 2024: A Catalyst for Change

The Global Peace Summit (GPS) 2024 in New York City is a transformative experience for young leaders committed to building a more peaceful world. This fully and partially funded summit offers an unparalleled platform for dialogue, collaboration, and skill development.

Immerse yourself in a dynamic program featuring:

To be eligible, applicants must:

The selection process emphasizes:

Beyond the summit, GPS offers:

[Continue with information on visa requirements, accommodation, and cost of living]

By participating in the Global Peace Summit, you will gain invaluable knowledge, skills, and connections to drive positive change in your community and the world.

Would you like to focus on any specific area for further expansion?

Official Link 
Apply Now 
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