FoundHer Grant Program

Igniting Growth for Women-Founded Businesses in Hawai'i | FoundHer

Unleash Your Potential with the FoundHer Program:

Discover the transformative power of the FoundHer Program, an extraordinary initiative dedicated to propelling the growth and triumph of women-founded businesses in the vibrant landscape of Hawai’i. This groundbreaking program is meticulously crafted to address the distinct challenges faced by historically overlooked and unsupported AAPI and Native Hawaiian wāhine entrepreneurs.

What sets FoundHer apart is its unwavering devotion to women, making it the sole accelerator program of its caliber in the entire state. But FoundHer’s impact extends far beyond Hawai’i’s borders, as it offers an unparalleled array of support, encompassing crucial elements such as capital infusion, family care assistance, unparalleled mentorship, and empowering skill-building opportunities. These resources are meticulously tailored to cater to the unique needs of AAPI and indigenous women, ensuring their growth and success.

As founders ourselves, we emphatically understand the delicate balancing act of entrepreneurship intertwined with the responsibilities of motherhood and caregiving. We have personally encountered and surmounted the obstacles that women encounter in their early-stage business ventures. That is why our commitment to you is unyielding, as we strive to dismantle barriers and provide the essential resources and unwavering support needed to empower women entrepreneurs on their extraordinary journey towards resounding success. Embrace the FoundHer Program and unlock your boundless potential today!



Participants empower their businesses with a powerful $20,000 grant, fueling their dreams and ambitions.

Care Stipend:

The program understands the demands of balancing personal responsibilities, providing a $4,000 care stipend to support participants on this exhilarating journey.

Educational Workshops:

Participants immerse themselves in weekly workshops that unlock invaluable insights and knowledge, empowering them to surpass their limits.

Mentors and Advisors:

Participants tap into an extensive national network of seasoned mentors and advisors from the business community, guiding them towards unparalleled success.


Monthly retreats serve as sanctuaries of place-based learning and networking, where inspiration and connections flourish.


For-profit small businesses:

The Grant program stands shoulder-to-shoulder with passionate entrepreneurs who are driven to make a profit while making a difference.

Early-stage businesses:

Whether participants are just starting or on the cusp of exponential growth, the Grant program is tailored to propel their early-stage businesses towards unparalleled success.

Proof of business concept required:

The program invites those with a viable business concept to join, providing the support and resources needed to turn their vision into reality.

50% AANHPI Women-Led:

The program celebrates and empowers women leaders from the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community, fostering a diverse and inclusive ecosystem of vibrant entrepreneurial talent.

Based in Hawaiʻi:

Participants embrace the unparalleled beauty and entrepreneurial spirit of Hawaiʻi as the program exclusively uplifts businesses rooted in this awe-inspiring region.


Participants embark on a transformative 6-month journey of growth and success.

Start Date:

The extraordinary adventure begins in March 2024.

Cohort Size:

A tight-knit cohort of 7 exceptional companies come together, forging lifelong connections.

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