Finance Specialist / GLF

Finance specialist at Global Landscapes Forum

Finance Specialist : “GLF” stands for Global Landscapes Forum known as the largest international Knowledgeable platform dedicated to sustainable and inclusive landscapes. It is functioning as a multi stakeholder forum, it is uniting a diverse array of participants from across the globe to deliberate on and propel landscape approaches for sustainable development. The extensive objective of the GLF is for advocating for a transformative shift towards sustainable development / aligning with the objectives outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement and the post-2020 biodiversity agenda.

What are the advantages come with being employed at Global Landscapes Forum:

Job Details:

Job Title: Finance specialist
Unit: Global Landscapes Forum
Job Place: Indonesia
Deadline: 28, May , 2024

Education & Qualifications Requirements:

Work Experiences:


Key Responsibilities Career:

“The deadline for opportunity is 28, May, 2024”

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