Engineering Internship

Summer 2024| Mohawk Industries


At Mohawk Industries, interns are given genuine business challenges to work on within their specific groups. This allows them to engage in meaningful discussions with subject matter experts and develop real solutions.

Aside from business-related activities, Mohawk Industries also organizes exclusive events for interns. These events include executive lunch and learn sessions, plant tours, personal and professional development sessions, and intern socials.

The executive lunch and learn sessions provide interns with the opportunity to learn from and interact with senior executives. Plant tours offer valuable insights into Mohawk Industries’ operations and manufacturing processes.

Personal and professional development sessions help interns enhance their skills in areas such as communication, leadership, and career development. Intern socials create a supportive community and allow interns to connect with their peers.

These events at Mohawk Industries contribute to the overall internship experience by providing additional opportunities for growth, networking, and personal and professional development.



Preferred Skills:



The internship will be conducted in Thomasville, North Carolina, United States.

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