CareersTraining Opportunities

Education Policy Internship

Education Policy Mentor-Intern Program


The internship offered by the Global Citizenship Foundation about the Education Policy specialization within the Mentor-Intern Program centers on the comprehensive comprehension and analysis of education policies, spanning national and international contexts. It encompasses studying the formulation, execution, and influence of these policies on educational systems.

This internship entails engaging in projects that revolve around education policy research, analysis, and advocacy. Interns have the opportunity to contribute to real-world initiatives that involve examining and evaluating existing policies, devising new policy recommendations, and advocating for their implementation to drive positive transformations in the education sector.


Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  • In-depth Knowledge of Education Policies.
  • Enhanced Research and Analytical Skills.
  • Policy Proposal and Advocacy Skills.
  • Real-world Project Experience.
  • Contribution to Positive Change in Education.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Minimum age 18. However, if the candidate is under the age of 18 during the application process, it is mandatory to obtain consent or authorization from their legal guardian or parent.
  • Priority is given to individuals who are either currently enrolled in a recognized university or have recently graduated. However, experienced professionals are also eligible to submit their applications.
  • Applicants are required to possess a minimum English language proficiency at the B2 Level as per the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Program Structure:

The Mentor-Intern Program is purposefully crafted to offer a comprehensive learning journey that encompasses the growth and advancement of participants on both personal and professional levels.

The program follows a structured framework comprising of two primary modules, a Personal Development module and a Professional Development.

module, strategically designed to deliver a comprehensive and impactful experience for Mentor-Interns

Application Status:

Applications are now open.

Application Deadline:

Applications for Cohort-16 closes on December 30, 2023.

Apply Now

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