Emergency Response Coordinator


The job is for an Economic Affairs Officer who will lead the International Trade and Industry Unit at the Subregional Office of ECLAC in Mexico. The job requires a master’s degree or equivalent in economics or related fields, at least seven years of relevant experience, and fluency in English and Spanish. The job involves conducting research, providing policy advice, preparing reports, and coordinating activities on economic and social development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Deadline : Apr 1, 2024


The job is sponsored by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), one of the five regional Commissions of the United Nations. ECLAC was founded in 1948 with the purpose of contributing to the region’s economic and social development. Its mission includes the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies and the provision of advisory services, expertise and training to Governments, as well as support for regional and international cooperation and coordination activities.


The job offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including pension, health insurance, education grant, annual leave, home leave, travel expenses, and other allowances. The job also offers a stimulating work environment, opportunities for professional development, and exposure to diverse and complex issues affecting the region.


The job is located in the Subregional Office of ECLAC in Mexico City, the capital and largest city of Mexico. Mexico City is a vibrant and cosmopolitan metropolis, with a rich cultural and historical heritage, a diverse gastronomy, and a wide range of attractions and entertainment options. Mexico City is also a strategic hub for regional and global affairs, hosting several international organizations, diplomatic missions, and business entities.


The job aims to support the work of ECLAC in promoting the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on international trade and industry issues. The job also aims to enhance the capacity of Governments and other stakeholders to formulate and implement policies and strategies that foster inclusive and sustainable growth, regional integration, and cooperation.

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