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DoD Reconstructive Transplant Grant


DoD Reconstructive Transplant Grant Opportunity

The Department of Defense (DoD) is offering grant funding for research on advanced technology development in reconstructive transplantation. This program is administered by the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

Grant Program: DoD Reconstructive Transplant, Advanced Technology Development Award

Purpose: To support research that translates promising preclinical findings into products for reconstructive transplantation.

Funding Available: Approximately $3.5 million to fund up to 3 awards.

Who Can Apply: Any type of organization (public or private) is eligible.

What is Funded:

  • Research on materiel products (drugs, devices, etc.) or knowledge-based products (reports, guidelines)
  • Preclinical studies in animals, human subjects, or anatomical substances
  • Correlative studies associated with existing clinical trials

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Projects must address a focus area of the program.
  • The proposed product must benefit the health care of military service members, veterans, and the general public.
  • Collaboration with military and VA researchers is encouraged.
  • A transition plan for further development of the product after the grant period is required.
  • Preliminary data demonstrating the potential of the proposed product is required.

Information for Applicants:

  • Application deadline: October 23, 2024
  • Award ceiling: $1 million for single PI applications, $1.5 million for multiple PI applications
  • Clinical trials are not allowed under this program.
  • The full program announcement can be found on a U.S. government website ([link to announcement ON]).

Contact Information:

  • CDMRP Help Desk: 301-682-5507 or

Additional Notes:

  • The grant funding instrument is a grant.
  • The anticipated project period is limited by the availability of FY24 funds (expires September 30, 2030).

I hope this is a more concise and easier to understand version of the grant opportunity announcement.

The Department of Defense (Dod) is proud to announce the DoD Reconstructive Transplant, Advanced Technology Development Award! This grant program, administered by the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), aims to empower researchers to develop cutting-edge solutions for wounded service members and veterans.

Focus on Innovation:

This program seeks groundbreaking research that translates promising discoveries from the lab into practical applications for reconstructive transplantation (VCA, vascularized composite allotransplantation). VCA procedures involve transplanting tissues like limbs, faces, or hands to restore function and appearance after devastating injuries.

Funding to Fuel Progress:

The CDMRP is dedicating approximately $3.5 million to fund up to three winning proposals. This substantial support allows researchers to take their ideas from the drawing board to real-world impact.

Who Can Apply?

This program is open to a wide range of applicants, including:

  • Universities and research institutions
  • Medical centers and hospitals
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Private companies

What We’re Looking For:

The ideal project will focus on developing:

  • Advanced Materiel Products: This includes drugs, biologics, medical devices, and other tangible tools to aid in VCA procedures.
  • Knowledge-Based Products: Technical reports, clinical practice guidelines, and other resources that can inform medical professionals and improve patient care.

Grant-worthy Research:

  • Must address a specific focus area outlined in the program announcement (available on
  • Must demonstrate a clear benefit for the health of service members, veterans, and the general public.
  • Collaboration with military treatment facilities and VA researchers is highly encouraged.
  • A well-defined transition plan outlining how the developed product will progress to the next stage (e.g., clinical trials, market launch) is mandatory.
  • Solid preliminary data supporting the potential and feasibility of the proposed product is required.

Important Dates and Details:

  • Application Deadline: October 23, 2024 (Don’t miss out!)
  • Award Ceiling:
    • Single PI Applications: Up to $1 million
    • Multiple PI Applications (up to 4 PIs): Up to $1.5 million
  • Clinical trials are not supported under this program.
  • Full details and program announcement: [link to announcement on] (A U.S. government website)

Get Help and Apply Today!

We encourage all qualified researchers with a passion for innovation and improving veterans’ lives to apply.


  • CDMRP Help Desk: 301-682-5507 or

Additional Notes:

  • The awarded grant will be a traditional grant (versus a cooperative agreement).
  • The project period is limited by the availability of fiscal year 2024 funds, expiring on September 30, 2030.

By supporting this program, the DoD is committed to advancing the field of reconstructive transplantation and offering renewed hope to those who have bravely served our nation.

Official Link
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