Application requirementsEuropeFellowship benefitsFellowship typeFellowships

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship

A joint initiative by DLR and DAAD to support international scholars in various research

Summary:The DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme 2024 is a joint initiative of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to support research in various fields related to aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalisation and security. The programme is open to nationals of selected countries who wish to pursue a PhD or a postdoctoral research in Germany.


1. Application requirements:

Applicants must have a master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field, a high level of English proficiency, and a strong research proposal. Applicants must also meet the specific requirements of the DLR institute or facility they are applying to. The application deadline varies depending on the offer. Applicants can apply online through the DAAD portal.

2. Fellowship benefits:

The fellowship covers the full cost of living and research expenses in Germany, as well as additional benefits such as travel allowance, health insurance, and family allowances. The fellowship duration ranges from 6 to 36 months, depending on the type of fellowship and the research project.

3. Fellowship type:

There are three types of fellowships available under the program:

– Type A: For doctoral students who want to complete their doctorate in Germany under the supervision of a DLR scientist. The monthly stipend is 1,760 euros.

Type B: For postdoctoral researchers who want to conduct a research project at a DLR institute or facility in collaboration with a DLR scientist. The monthly stipend is 2,400 euros.

– Type C: For senior scientists who want to conduct a research project at a DLR institute or facility in collaboration with a DLR scientist. The monthly stipend is 2,760 euros.

4. Award Fellowships:

The number of fellowships awarded each year depends on the availability of funds and the quality of applications. The current offers are published on the websites of the DAAD and the DLR in the following research fields: Aeronautics, Space, Energy, Transportation, Digitalisation, and Security.

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