Data Analyst | United Nations

Apply and work as Data Analyst at UNDRR

 “UNDRR” stands for United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, is an agency within the United Nations system dedicated to promoting a global culture of disaster risk reduction. Founded in 1999, UNDRR is working to enhance the resilience of communities and nations to disasters by advocating for policies and practices that reduce risk and build resilience. This international organization collaborates with governments, non-governmental organizations, and various stakeholders to mainstream disaster risk reduction into development processes and raise awareness about the importance of proactive measures to mitigate the impact of natural and human-induced hazards. UNDRR is playing a crucial role in coordinating international efforts to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a global agreement adopted in 2015 to guide disaster risk reduction initiatives worldwide.

What are the advantages that come with being employed at UNDRR:

Job Details:

Job Title: Data Analyst
Job Place: Geneva
Deadline: 1, January, 2024

Education & Qualifications Requirements:


Education & Qualifications Requirements:


Work Experiences:


Key Responsibilities Career:

“The deadline for opportunity is 1, January 2024”

“The Official Link for this Opportunity”

Official Website


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