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CUE University Scholarship

CUE University Entrance Scholarship, 2024

The CUE University Entrance Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship program offered by Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE). It provides guaranteed renewable scholarships to high school students who meet specific academic criteria. The scholarship aims to support students pursuing undergraduate degrees in various fields.

Scholarship Information

  • Host Country: The scholarship is hosted by Canada, specifically at Concordia University of Edmonton.
  • University: The scholarship is provided by Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE), a reputable institution known for its commitment to academic excellence and student success.
  • Sponsor: The scholarship is sponsored by Concordia University of Edmonton itself.
  • Eligible Countries: The scholarship is open to all nationalities. Students from around the world are encouraged to apply.
  • Degree: The scholarship supports students pursuing Bachelor’s degrees in the following fields:
    • Arts
    • Science
    • Management
    • Chemistry
  • Deadline:  August 1, 2024.


To become eligible for University Entrance Scholarships, applicants must be:

  1. entering their first-year of post-secondary study directly from high school. Concordia will also consider applicants who have:
    a) taken time off between high school and post-secondary studies
    b) completed university-level credits while in high school.
    c) attended a non-accredited program at a post-secondary institution and earned 9 or less transfer credits (e.g. bible school).Applicants who enrolled in a post-secondary institution after the completion of high school are not eligible.
  2. enrolled in a degree program in Arts, Management or Science.
  3. registered in a minimum of 80% of a full-course load (12 credits) in each semester. Recipients whose registration drops below the required 80% minimum will immediately forfeit their scholarship.

Scholarships offer a variety of benefits to students, both financial and academic. Here are some of the key advantages of receiving a scholarship:

Financial Benefits

  • Reduced Debt: Scholarships help you pay for college without relying heavily on student loans. This can translate to significant savings after graduation, as you’ll have less debt to repay.
  • Increased Affordability: Scholarships can make attending your dream school or a more expensive institution more attainable.
  • Focus on Studies: By reducing financial worries, scholarships allow you to focus more on your studies and academic pursuits.
  • Less Pressure on Family: Scholarships ease the financial burden on your family, making college education more accessible.

Academic Benefits

  • Improved Academic Performance: Scholarships can motivate students to perform well academically, knowing they need to maintain certain standards to keep the scholarship.
  • Prestigious Recognition: Receiving a scholarship can be a mark of academic achievement and open doors to future opportunities.
  • Networking Opportunities: Some scholarships come with networking events or connect you with mentors, providing valuable career advice and connections.
  • Research and Study Abroad Opportunities: Certain scholarships might offer funding for research projects, conferences, or even study abroad programs, enriching your academic experience.

Overall Benefits

  • Increased Confidence: Receiving a scholarship can boost a student’s self-esteem and confidence in their academic abilities.
  • Reduced Stress: Knowing you have financial aid can alleviate stress and anxiety about college costs.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Earning a scholarship is a rewarding experience, demonstrating your hard work and potential.
  • Investment in Your Future: Scholarships are an investment in your future, opening doors to higher education and potentially a brighter career path.

Remember, the specific benefits of a scholarship can vary depending on the scholarship program itself. Make sure to read the fine print of any scholarship you apply for to understand the specific financial awards and opportunities offered.

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