Conference on Current Fashion
International Conference on Current Fashion Trends, Beauty, Apparel and Cosmetology(ICCFBAC)

General Information of The International Conference on Current Fashion Trends, Beauty, Apparel and Cosmetology (ICCFBAC):
Date: April 1st - 2nd, 2024 Location: New York, United States of America Organizer: Issrd Application Deadline: March 10, 2024 Contact Email:
Welcome to (ICCFBAC-2024) in New York, United States of America!
Calling all fashion, beauty, and apparel minds! 
Join the prestigious International Conference on Current Fashion Trends, Beauty, Apparel and Cosmetology (ICCFBAC)! This renowned event brings together leading academics, researchers, industry pros, and aspiring students from around the globe to share their insights and groundbreaking work with the world’s top experts.
It’s your chance to:
- Showcase your research findings on a global platform
- Learn from and network with leading figures in your field
- Gain valuable insights and inspiration to fuel your career
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to connect, collaborate, and shape the future of fashion, beauty, and apparel!
ICCFBAC will be held in New York, United States of America on 01st Apr-02nd Apr 2024.
Conference Goal and Objective:
The main goal of ICCFBAC – 2024 is to give international participants the chance to interact face-to-face with their peers who are anticipated to attend from various regions of the world and exchange ideas and experiences. Furthermore, this conference will assist the attendees in establishing research or business relationships as well as worldwide connections for potential future career-related partnerships. We anticipate that the results of ICCFBAC – 2024 will significantly advance our understanding of these cutting-edge scientific disciplines.
Conference Focus Area:
ICCFBAC Highlights: Expert Insights and Recognition
Get ready to be inspired by leading voices in the field! The conference boasts a lineup of esteemed speakers from across the country, sharing their insights and expertise through captivating lectures.
Adding to the excitement, the conference recognizes outstanding contributions with Best Paper Awards. Submit your research and compete for the chance to be honored among your peers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and be recognized at ICCFBAC, sponsored by ISSRD.
Conference Sponsor:
This Conference is sponsored by ISSRD (International Society for Scientific Research and Development).
ISSRD Previous Conference Location:
Previously, the ISSRD held conferences in the following locations: Melbourne (Australia), Pattaya, Phuket, Manila, Hong Kong, Johannesburg (South Africa), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta, Bali, Batam, Bangkok, Paris, Istanbul, and London (UK).
Important Notifications:
Note 1: All registered conference papers will be published Conference proceeding (Having ISBN Number) and the extended versions of the papers will be published in related reputed Scopus/ SCI/WoS/UGC Care Listed international journals.
Note 2: This conference is supported by UGC Care listed and Scopus Indexed International journals.