International Conference on Psychology
International Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences (ICPAS)

Date: February 28th - 29th, 2024 Location: Toronto, Canada Organizer: Universal Research Cluster Application Deadline: February 13, 2024 Contact Email:
Welcome to Universal Research Cluster (ICPAS-2024) in Toronto, Canada!
The International Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences (ICPAS) took place on February 28th and 29th, 2024 in Toronto, Canada. The conference’s primary objective was to bring together distinguished academic scientists, researchers, and scholars to share their experiences and research findings on various aspects of Psychology and Allied Sciences. It provided an interdisciplinary platform for professionals and students of psychology and allied fields to discuss recent developments, trends, concerns, practical challenges, and solutions in their respective fields. The conference was open to all, including individuals with a background in allied fields. It encouraged participants to explore the combined effects of various psychological, emotional, social, cognitive, and behavioral factors and their applications within the psychosocial realm.