Computer science & Information Technology
International Conference on Computer science and Information Technology (ICCSIT)

General Information of the International Conference on Computer science and Information Technology (ICCSIT):
Date: April 1st - 2nd, 2024 Location: New York, United States of America Organizer: Issrd Application Deadline: March 10, 2024 Contact Email:
Welcome to (ICCSIT-2024) in New York, United States of America!
The International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology brings together academics, researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and students from around the world to exchange research findings and innovative ideas.
The ICCSIT conference will be held in New York from April 1st to April 2nd, 2024. It’s a forum for intellectual exchange on computer science and information technology.
The conference offers lively debates, latest trends insights, and networking opportunities. Prominent experts will share their knowledge and experience, providing actionable insights.
ICCSIT offers a great chance to learn from industry experts, showcase research and ideas, and contribute to the advancement of computer science and information technology. It’s the perfect platform to stay up to date with the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field.
Conference Goal and Objective:
ICCSIT – 2024 aims to bring together global participants to share ideas and experiences in person. The conference offers an opportunity for attendees to establish research or business relations and find international linkages for future collaborations. Our hope is that ICCSIT – 2024 will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in rapidly evolving scientific fields.
Conference Sponsor:
The ISSRD-sponsored conference will feature lectures from renowned speakers and give awards for the best papers.
ISSRD Previous Conference Location:
Earlier ISSRD had conferences held at London (UK), Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta, Bali, Batam, Bangkok, Paris, Istanbul, Melbourne (Australia), Pattaya, Phuket, Manila, Hong Kong, Johannesburg (South Africa), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Important Links:
Important Notifications:
Note 1: Conference papers will be published in proceedings with an ISBN number. Extended versions will be published in reputed international journals listed in Scopus/SCI/WoS/UGC Care.
Note 2: This conference is supported by UGC Care listed and Scopus Indexed International journals.