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City Education Grant 2024

Student in UK


The City Education Grant is a financial support scheme for undergraduate students from low-income backgrounds who are studying at City, University of London.

Application requirements:

To be eligible for the grant, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Be a UK resident and have a household income of less than £25,000 per year
    • Be enrolled on a full-time undergraduate course at City, University of London
    • Not be receiving any other scholarships or bursaries from City, University of London or external sources


The grant provides students with a non-repayable cash award of £2,000 per year for up to three years, depending on their course duration and progression. The grant can be used to cover living costs, course materials, travel expenses, or any other costs related to studying at City, University of London.


The grant is a need-based award, meaning it is based on the financial circumstances of the student and their family. It is not a merit-based award, meaning it is not based on the academic performance or achievements of the student.

Award and location:

The grant is awarded by City, University of London, a public research university located in London, England. The university has five schools and offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various disciplines.


The deadline to apply for the grant is 31st October 2024. Students must complete an online application form and provide evidence of their household income. The grant is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability of funds.

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