Chinese Development Model Conference

3rd International Workshop on the Chinese Development Model | IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull


The 3rd International Workshop on the Chinese Development Model, organized by IQS School of Management at Universitat Ramon Llull, invites researchers to submit empirical and theoretical research related to the Chinese economy, society, history, culture, politics, international relations, and sustainable development.

The workshop aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and welcomes submissions on diverse topics. Interested researchers should submit abstracts by December 31st, 2023, and acceptance decisions will be communicated by January 15th, 2024. Participants must complete their registration by April 15th, 2024, and submit full papers by April 30th, 2024. The workshop will be held at IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull, and provides an opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange among scholars in the field.


Researchers interested in participating in the workshop are encouraged to submit their abstracts by December 31st, 2023. The abstracts should focus on topics related to the Chinese development model and its various dimensions. Submissions can be empirical or theoretical in nature. The acceptance decisions will be communicated by January 15th, 2024. Upon acceptance, participants must complete their registration by April 15th, 2024. Additionally, full papers based on the accepted abstracts must be submitted by April 30th, 2024.

Date and Location:

The 3rd International Workshop on the Chinese Development Model will take place at IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull. The workshop dates are yet to be specified. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and present their research in a stimulating academic environment.

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