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Aviator Scholarship 2024

Calvin L. Carrithers Aviation Scholarship 2024

The Calvin L. Carrithers Aviation Scholarship is named after Calvin L. Carrithers, a passionate aviator and founder of It aims to support American students who are enthusiastic about aviation and actively engage with the aviation community through blogging. Recipients receive an annual award of $1,000.

Host Country:

The scholarship is available in the United States.

Eligible Universities:

Accredited collegiate aviation programs across the U.S.

Sponsor:, a leading online aviation resource platform.

Eligible Applicants:

American students who maintain a blog related to flight training, flying experiences, and their passion for aviation.

Degree Fields:

While the scholarship does not specify a particular degree, it is open to students pursuing aviation-related fields.

Application Deadline:

Interested students can apply between March 1, 2024, and August 15, 2024.

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