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Arts and Humanities Conference

International conference on arts and humanities(ICAH)

General Information of The International conference on arts and humanities (ICAH):

Date: April 2nd - 3rd, 2024
Location: New York, United States of America
Organizer: Arts
Application Deadline: March 18, 2024
Contact Email:

Welcome to (ICAH-2024) in New York, United States of America!

ICAH International Conference on Arts and Humanities is being held to give academics, researchers, engineers, industry participants, and aspiring students from all over the world an excellent international platform to SHARE their research findings with the world’s experts. ICAH 2024 is scheduled to take place in New York, USA during April 02–03, 2024.

Conference Goal and Objective:

The main goal of ICAH is to give international participants the chance to interact face-to-face with their peers who are anticipated to attend from all regions of the world and exchange ideas and experiences. Moreover, ICAH will assist the attendees in establishing research or business relationships as well as worldwide connections for potential future career-related partnerships. We anticipate that the results of ICAH will significantly advance our understanding of these cutting-edge scientific disciplines.

Conference Sponsor:

This Conference is sponsored by The ARSSS (Advanced Research Society for Science and Sociology). The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. The Best Paper Awards will be given to the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

Request for Donations:

All honorable writers are cordially invited to submit their research abstracts, papers, and e-posters to the conference to participate and help shape it. Additionally, we kindly encourage you to submit high-caliber research articles for presentation at the conference that describe the unique, unpublished outcomes of your conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in any area of engineering and technology. Abstracts, papers, and e-posters that address conference themes and topics—along with figures, tables, and references to original research—are invited to be submitted to the conference.

Conference Minutes:

Three capable reviewers will blindly and jointly evaluate each conference paper that is submitted. Post-conference proceedings will be submitted to be indexed in Thomson Reuters, CiteSeerX, Google Books, Google Scholar, EBSCO, SCOPUS, ERA, and ProQuest, and published in the International Science Index. Participants will get their certificates of presentation and the book of conference proceedings at the conference registration desk.

ARSSS Previous Conference Location:

Previously, the ARSSS hosted conferences in the following locations: Melbourne, Australia; Pattaya, Phuket, Manila, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, South Africa; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta, Bali, Batam, Bangkok, Paris, Istanbul, and London, United Kingdom.

Important Links:

Important Notifications:

Note 1: This conference is Associated with UGC Care listed and Scopus Indexed International journals.

Note 2: All registered conference papers will be published in the Conference proceedings (Having ISBN Number) and the extended versions of the papers will be published in related reputed Scopus/ SCI/WoS/UGC Care Listed international journals.

Official Website

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